International Scientific Conference „Contemporary Management Practices XI - Smart specialisation in the decade of business connectivity to locomotions“

International Scientific Conference celebrating BFU’s 30-th anniversary
"Contemporary Management Practices XI - Smart specialisation in the decade of business connectivity to locomotions”
The Faculty of Business Studies at Burgas Free University (BFU) is organising the International Scientific Conference “CMP XI - Smart Specialisation in the Decade of Business Connectivity to Locomotions”. It celebrates BFU’s 30-th anniversary and the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at BFU will be co-organiser. The conference will be held on June 4-5, 2021 and in its focus will be the innovations, both business and social, smart specialisation, connectivity both in the automation and in the logistics, the financial instruments, the regional development issues, the circular and blue economy.
The conference incorporates results and activities of the project “Indexing the Regional Innovative Levels in the Sectors of the Economy (IRISI) - scenario for the identified in the ISSS four priority thematic areas for smart specialization and their positioning towards the circular economy” under the National Science Fund of Bulgaria (KP/06/OPR 01/4/ 21.12.2018), and will be attended by the BFU partners from Portugal, Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, Germany, Hungary, etc. In the frames of the conference working sessions for all the participants will be held both at the university and on the Industrial and Logistic Park Burgas premises, and a working group meeting of the EU COST Action “Multi-Disciplinary Innovation for Social Change (SHIINE)” will be held.
The conference is incorporated in the last days of the “Erasmus+ International Teaching and Training Week” at BFU – June 1-5, 2021 and the participants may join referring.
You can find the information on the event and registration for the International Scientific Conference “CMP XI - Smart Specialisation in the Decade of Business Connectivity to Locomotions”, June 4-5, 2021 at BFU, Burgas, Bulgaria at Here!