Faculty of Business Studies

Център по икономически и управленски науки

The Faculty of Business Studies at Burgas Free University provides training and does scientific research in the field of economics and business administration. Three department councils function within the structure of the Faculty: ‘Finance and Accounting’, ‘Marketing’ and ‘Business Administration’. The academic staff at the faculty consists of highly qualified lecturers with proven teaching experience and significant scientific achievements, who have implemented a number of educational, scientific and business-oriented national and international projects and also have publications in in the country and abroad.

The Faculty of Business Studies traditionally organises and hosts the research conference ‘Contemporary Management Practices’ and issues the academic Journal ‘Biznes posoki’ (Journal Business Directions), which publishes articles by distinguished Bulgarian and foreign scientists. The journal is registered in the list of contemporary Bulgarian scientific publications, referenced and indexed in world-renowned scientific database programmes and it is included in popular databases like INION RAN, Google Scholar, ZBW- German National Library of Economics Leibniz Information Centre for Economics.
According to the Bulgarian University Ranking System the Faculty of Business Studies ranks first among all the universities providing training in the fields of Economics and Management in Bachelor’s degree and Master’s degree programmes in terms of the facilities provided, the teaching and learning environment, the students’ assessment of material resources and infrastructure, the library stock and administrative services assessment. The Faculty of Business Studies holds the second place in the country in terms of the level of practical skills acquired and the financial support and scholarships per student and it ranks third in terms of the career development support. 

The Faculty of Business Studies provides state-of-the-art tuition, carried out in accordance with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), which provides a basis for comparison and enables the international mobility of students. Under the Erasmus+ programme for study mobility the students are given the opportunity to undertake a study for one semester at a European university – partner of the Faculty of Business Studies in the UK, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Poland. International co-operation projects are also implemented under the Erasmus+ programme with the active participation of the students and staff of the Faculty of Business Studies.

The key priority of the Faculty of Business Studies is to provide training geared towards acquiring practical skills to meet the requirements of employers. The Faculty of Business Studies has established long-term co-operation with financial institutions, companies, sectoral organisations for the implementation of internships, work placements, seminars and joint projects. The practical training and professional development of the students are also furthered by the Student Centre for Career Development at Burgas Free University.

The atmosphere of cooperation established among the students, the lecturers and the administration is based on and motivated by a reliable feedback. The research and practical business-oriented projects run by the Faculty of Business Studies are implemented with the participation of the students. Burgas Free University hosts an annual National Student Research Conference where the students of the Faculty of Business Studies, guided by their tutors, have the chance to participate and present their theoretical or practical research papers. The Faculty of Business Studies promotes the students’ participation in various contests, conferences and forums organised by universities and institutions and encourages all beneficial initiatives undertaken by its undergraduates. The students also have the opportunity to become members of the Student Club Manager, the Debates Club, the student-run PR Agency Practa, the Student Theatre Club, the University Sports Club, etc.

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