Civil procedure
PhD Programme: Civil Procedure
Faculty: Faculty of Legal Studies
Educational and Scientific Degree: Doctor
Scientific Major: 3.6 Law
Mode of Study: part-time; full-time; individual
Programme Profile:
Burgas Free University offers a PhD Programme in professional field 3.6 Law (Civil Procedure) to the graduates in Law of Bulgarian and foreign universities (upon recognition of the degree certificate according to the regulations in the Republic of Bulgaria). Civil Procedure is a main subject in law, which encompasses the problems of civil litigation (protection of civil substantive rights in a broad sense), as well as court assistance for the exercise of such rights in different adversarial and other court proceedings. The programme provides fundamental theoretical knowledge in the field of civil procedure, including the relation between substantive and procedural law, as well as the relations with the other law branches. The programme is aimed at analytical mastering of the judicial practice in the sphere of the civil litigation and the respective legal courses, as well as the acquiring of specific practical skills. Another main area of education is studying the methodology for research and writing of scientific papers in the area of law, as well as preparation for teaching in Civil process at higher education institutions.
PhD Graduates Competences:
The PhD Graduates are expected to become highly qualified specialists with thorough theoretical knowledge in the complicated area of civil procedure and the related civil law (in a broad sense), who have developed the main skills and abilities for doing research and teaching in civil procedure at higher education institutions and for working in legislative process. After successful completion of the programme the PhD graduates are expected to possess substantial practical skills for work in the process of law enforcement.
PhD students need to acquire the number of credits required and defend a PhD thesis.
Professional Qualification and Career Opportunities:
The programme graduates are highly qualified specialists who can work in the sphere of research and teaching at higher education institutions in the area of law; they can work as judges, solicitors, barristers, company lawyers, public notaries, bailiffs, etc., who can deal with the most complicated theoretical and practical problems of the application of civil procedural law.