Faculty:Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
Degree: Master
Professional Qualification: Master of Electrical Engineering
Mode of Study: part-time, full-time
Programme Profile:
The graduates with a Master’s degree in Engineering and Exploitation of Energy Systems are employable as leading engineering specialists in companies for production, transmission and distribution of electrical energy; they can work as power engineers in industrial enterprises, transport and building companies; they are specialists in the field of energy management and efficiency; they can put in practice their knowledge and skills into various fields of business: consulting activities in various fields of the engineering practice, company management, state and local administration as organizers and managers of various units requiring technical training and preparation.
Requirements and Length of Study: Graduates in professional fields 5.3. Communication and Computer Technology, 5.2. Electrotechnics, Electronics and Automation, 5.1. Machine Engineering and 5.13. General Engineering study for two semesters (one academic year) and write a Master’s thesis. The bachelors in professional field 4.6. Informatics and Computer Science, as well as the professional bachelors can enrol in the Programme after passing a foundation (preparatory) module of subjects.
Admission: Admission is based on a Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree Diploma.