- Tourism Security and Sustainability Training Innovations through Academia and Industry Cooperation (TSSTrip)
- Unleashing Youth Power in Transnational Innovation for a Thriving Blue Economy (SEAQUEST)
- Be a microscientist! (MISC), 2023-2-HU01-KA210-SCH-000185151
- Digital Transformation in Bulgarian Language Training
- Inclusive Digital Learning (Dig-2-Inc)
- European network in D-flexible teaching /ENID-Teach/
- Inspire students entrepreneurial thinking to drive discovery, creativity and innovation (INSPIRE)
- Greening the entrecomp framework to reconcile economic development and environmental security /Green-4-Future/
- Boosting the green future via University micro-credentials (B-GREEN-ED)
- Educational University GATeway to enhance innovative E-learning capabilities, resilience and new best practices (EDU-GATE)
- Critical Thinking in the Information Society (CTIS), 2022-1-RO01-KA220-HED-000090207
- Increasing the Quality of Vocational Education with the Samples of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Different Fields (EU2AI)
- E-mentoring: a new qualification for continuing education and training (eMentEdu)
- Redesigning Introductory Computer Programming Using Innovative Online Modules (RECOM)
- Fostering Innovation in Community Led Enterprise Development (ComEnt)
- EDucational University GATeway to enhance innovative E-learning capabilities, resilience, and new best practices (EDU-GATE)
- Developing Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black Sea (DOORS)
- BLACK SEA CRUISE - Sustainable Small-scale Cruising/ Yachting
- Developing Flipped Methods for Teaching, Programme Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for higher education (KA203), Project duration: 2020-2022
- Europe ritual cuisine – digital presentation and preservation (Eurica), Programme Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training (KA202), Project duration: 2020-2022
- Greening the EntreComp Framework to Reconcile Economic Development and Environmental Security (Green-4-Future), Programme Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training (KA202), Project duration: 2020-2023
- Developing Flipped Methods for Teaching, Programme Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for higher education (KA203), Project duration: 2020-2022
- Inspire students entrepreneurial thinking to drive discovery, creativity and innovation, Programme Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for higher education (KA203), Project duration: 2020-2022
- Girls Technology Coding (GITEC), Programme: Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for youth, Project duration: 2019-2021
- Immersive Learning in Information Security (MISSILE), Programme: Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for adult education, Project duration: 2019-2021
- Digital presentation and preservation of intangible cultural heritage (DigiCult), Programme: Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training, Project duration: 2019-2021
- Standards Teaching in University Education (STUNED), Programme: Erasm+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education , Project duration: 2019-2021
- Digital Heroes, Programme: Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for youth, Project duration: 2019-2021
- Development and Introduction of a Communication Competencies Model for Enhancing and Maintaining a Business Mentor Network (DICMEM), Programme: Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for higher education, Project duration: 2019-2021
- Διάλογος– dialogue down the post-truth hole: programmes and tools for digging through information and beliefs in the post-truth era, Programme: Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for higher education, Project duration: 2019-2021
- Development of Innovative Learning and Practicing Modules, Implemented in Cloud Computing and IoT in Digital Industry (CC&IoT), Programme: Erasmus+ KA2, Strategic Partnerships for vocational education and training, Project duration: 2019-2021
- Indexing the Regional Innovative Levels in the Sectors of the Economy (IRISI)- scenario for the identified in the ISSS four priority thematic areas for smart specialization and their positioning towards the circular economy; National Science Fund of Bulgaria (BNSF); Project duration: 2018- 2021
- Kazak Universities to Foster Quality Assurance Processes in Technology Enhanced Learning (KUTEL); Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Capacity building in the field of higher education(CBHE); Project duration: 2018- 2021
- Digital skilled Teachers Acting for Higher and Inclusive Education (TEACHERS AHEAD), Programme: Erasmus+, KA2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education; Project duration: 2018-2021
- Bulgarian Language in Social Media; National Science Fund of Bulgaria (BNSF); Project duration: 2017- 2019
- Electronic Journal Computer Science and Communications ;National Science Fund of Bulgaria (BNSF); Project duration: 2017- 2018
- Tacit knowledge emerging for a sustainable valorisation of the cultural heritage in rural and peripheral communities (VAL.oR); Project duration: 2017-2019
- Innovations Platform and Tools for increasing the innovation capacity of SMEs in the Balkan Mediterranean Area (InnoPlatform); Transnational Cooperation Programme Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020; Project duration:2017-2019
- I Tech : Youth do digital science; Programme: Erasmus+, KA2 Strategic Partnerships for youth; Project duration: 2017- 2019
- Skills for Corporate Entrepreneurship (SCOPE); Programme: Erasmus+, KA2 Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices ,Strategic Partnerships Project duration: 2017-2019
- Knowledge share: encouraging positive online content creating behaviors; Programme: Erasmus+, KA1, Youth mobility ;Project duration:2017-2018
- International Standards training in VET for promotion of market relevant education (ISTRA); Programme: Erasmus+, KA2 Strategic Partnerships; Project duration: 2016-2018
- Promoting European Awareness and Key Competences (PEAK); Programme: Erasmus+, KA2 Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices, Project duration: 2015-2018
- Student Practices - Phase ; Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth 2014-2020
- Student Scholarships; Operational Program "Science and education for smart growth" 2014-2020
- Enhancing E-democracy in Bulgaria – Learning from Iceland; Programme: NGO Programme in Bulgaria under the Financial Mechanism of the EEA; Project duration: 2013-2015
- Partnership Between Education and Business for Effective Realization of Young People in the Labour Market by Updating the Syllabi at Burgas Free University; Programme: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”; Project duration: 2013-2014. Project Banner
- Establishment of a System for Career Development of the Lecturers at BFU and a System for Qualification Improvement; Programme: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”; Project duration: 2013-2014. Project Banner
- Erasmus Intensive Programme: Strategic Business Decisions in a Risky and Rapidly Changing Environment; Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Erasmus Intensive Programmes; Project duration: 2013-2014
- Erasmus Intensive Programme: European Aspects and National Practices of PR 2.0; Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Erasmus Intensive Programmes; Project duration: 2013-2014
- Erasmus Intensive Language Course; Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Erasmus programme; Project duration: 2013-2014
- Project ‘Qualification of Pedagogic Specialists’ - Training of Pedagogic Specialists for Development of Knowledge, Skills and Competences for Student Evaluation; Programme: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”; Project duration: 2013-2014
- Project ‘Qualification of Pedagogic Specialists’ - Training of Pedagogic Specialists for Work with Children and Students with Special Needs; Programme: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”; Project duration: 2013-2014
- Project ‘Improvement of Qualification and Key Competences and Skills of Employees”; Programme: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”, Scheme “Qualification Services and Training of Employees” – phase 3; Project duration: 2013-2014
- University Centre for Electronic Forms of Distance Education and Services at BFU (UCDE) – an Opportunity for Lifelong Learning; Programme: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”; Project duration: 2012-2014. Project website
- Creation of New Office for Transfer of Innovative Technologies in the Enterprises of Southeast Region; Programme: Operational Programme “Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy”; Project duration: 2012-2014. Project website
- Improvement of the Management Systems and Decision Making Processes at Burgas Free University; Programme: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”; Project duration: 2012-2014. Project Banner
- Methodology for Survey, Measurement and Analysis of the Discrepancy between the Expected Integration of the Immigrants, Third – country Nationals, and the Perception by the Bulgarian Community; Programme: European Fund for the Integration of Third-Country Nationals, National Employment Agency; Project duration: 2013
- All Together; Programme: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”; Project duration: 2012-2013
- IN-Close - Innovations: New Competence and Leading Opportunities for Sustainability and Endurance; Programme: Programme People, Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development; Project duration: 2012-2013
- Erasmus Intensive Language Course; Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Erasmus programme; Project duration: 2012-2013
- Erasmus Intensive Programme: European Aspects and National Practices of PR 2.0; Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Erasmus Intensive Programmes; Project duration: 2012-2013
- Determining the Power Dissipation in Power Stage Inverters; Programme: 7th Framework Programme, DERri – Distributed Energy Resources Research Infrastructure; Project duration: 2012-2013
- E-MENTORING: New skills and competencies for new jobs; Programme: LLP KA3 ICT; Project duration: 2011-2013
- Teaching Maths through Innovative Learning Approach and Contents – TALETE; Programme: Lifelong Learning Programme, Comenius Multilateral projects; Project duration: 2011-2013
- e- Training for Wellness in Spa Services” /e-TRAWELSPA/; Programme: Life-long Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation; Project duration: 2011-2013
- Boosting Innovation through Capacity Building and Networking of Science Centres in the SEE Region; Programme: SEE Transnational Cooperation Programme; Project duration: 2011-2013
- Researchers in Chemistry Supporting Economy and Society - European Researchers' Night 2011 RECSES; Programme: Programme People, Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development; Project duration: 2011-2012
- Erasmus Intensive Language Course; Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Erasmus programme; Project duration: 2011-2012
- Ethnopsycholinguistic and Sociolinguistic Aspects of Media Language of the Bulgarian Press; Programme: National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science; Project duration: 2010-2013
- InSAR Modeling and Monitoring of Geological Disaster Phenomena in Caucasus Region – Armenia; Programme: NATO, Science for Peace and Security Programme, Environmental Security (ESP); Project duration: 2010-2012
- Erasmus Intensive Language Course; Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Erasmus programme; Project duration: 2010-2011
- Erasmus Intensive Programme: The Influence of the Politics of Activation on the Social Work and on the Users; Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Erasmus Intensive Programmes; Project duration: 2010-2011
- E-learning for All; Programme: Youth in Action; Project duration: 2010-2011
- Assistive Computer Interface For Visually Impared; Programme: National Science Fund, Ministry of Education and Science; Project duration: 2009-2011
- AVATAR (Added Value of teAching in a virTuAl world); Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Comenius programme; Project duration: 2009-2011
- Effective Placements of Students in Social Work in Partnership with NGOs; Programme: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”; Project duration: 2009-2010
- Erasmus Intensive Language Course; Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Erasmus programme; Project duration: 2009-2010
- Training Safety and Security in Tourism; Programme: Life-long Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci, Transfer of Innovation; Project duration: 2008-2010
- Erasmus Intensive Language Course; Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Erasmus programme; Project duration: 2008-2009
- Professionalism in the Education in Journalism through Establishing Partnership between BFU and the Regional Media; Programme: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”; Project duration: 2008-2009
- Innovation and Creativity in the Management and Operational Activity of the staff in IT organizations; Programme: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”; Project duration: 2008-2009
- Qualitative Production, through Improving the Qualification of the Staff; Programme: Operational Programme “Human Resources Development”; Project duration: 2008-2009
- KeyShop – a New Culture of Learning; Programme: Life-long Learning Programme, Grundtvig programme; Project duration: 2007-2009
- A Step Toward the Light; Programme: Life-long Learning Programme, Leonardo da Vinci programme; Project duration: 2007-2009
- Erasmus Intensive Programme: Identification and Multiplication of Good Practices in Providing Social Services to Families; Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Erasmus Intensive Programmes; Project duration: 2007-2008
- Erasmus Intensive Language Course; Programme: Socrates Porgramme, Erasmus programme; Project duration: 2006-2007
- PARMENIDE; Programme: Life-long Learning Porgramme, Leonardo da Vinci programme; Project duration: 2005-2007
- Erasmus Intensive Programme: The Social Services as a Model of Intervention in the Educational System; Programme: Socrates Porgramme, Erasmus Intensive Programmes; Project duration: 2005-2006
- The Knowledge Shop; Programme: Socrates Porgramme, Grundtvig Programme; Project duration: 2005-2006
- The Knowledge Shop; Programme: Socrates Porgramme, Grundtvig Programme; Project duration: 2004-2005
- My place, Your Place, Our Place; Programme: US Department of State; Project duration: 2003-2005