- Indexing the Regional Innovative Levels in the Sectors of the Economy (IRISI)- scenario for the identified in the ISSS four priority thematic areas for smart specialization and their positioning towards the circular economy; National Science Fund of Bulgaria (BNSF); Project duration: 2018- 2021
- Kazak Universities to Foster Quality Assurance Processes in Technology Enhanced Learning (KUTEL); Erasmus+ - Key Action 2 - Capacity building in the field of higher education(CBHE); Project duration: 2018- 2021
- Digital skilled Teachers Acting for Higher and Inclusive Education (TEACHERS AHEAD), Programme: Erasmus+, KA2 Strategic Partnerships for School Education; Project duration: 2018-2021
- Bulgarian Language in Social Media; National Science Fund of Bulgaria (BNSF); Project duration: 2017- 2019
- Electronic Journal Computer Science and Communications ;National Science Fund of Bulgaria (BNSF); Project duration: 2017- 2018
- Tacit knowledge emerging for a sustainable valorisation of the cultural heritage in rural and peripheral communities (VAL.oR); Project duration: 2017-2019
- Innovations Platform and Tools for increasing the innovation capacity of SMEs in the Balkan Mediterranean Area (InnoPlatform); Transnational Cooperation Programme Interreg Balkan-Mediterranean 2014-2020; Project duration:2017-2019
- I Tech : Youth do digital science; Programme: Erasmus+, KA2 Strategic Partnerships for youth; Project duration: 2017- 2019
- Skills for Corporate Entrepreneurship (SCOPE); Programme: Erasmus+, KA2 Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices ,Strategic Partnerships Project duration: 2017-2019
- Knowledge share: encouraging positive online content creating behaviors; Programme: Erasmus+, KA1, Youth mobility ;Project duration:2017-2018
- International Standards training in VET for promotion of market relevant education (ISTRA); Programme: Erasmus+, KA2 Strategic Partnerships; Project duration: 2016-2018
- Promoting European Awareness and Key Competences (PEAK); Programme: Erasmus+, KA2 Cooperation for Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices , Project duration: 2015-2018
- Student Practices - Phase ; Operational Program "Science and Education for Smart Growth 2014-2020
- Student Scholarships; Operational Program "Science and education for smart growth" 2014-2020