  • Bistatic SAR/GISAR/FISAR Geometry, Signal Models and Imaging Algorithms, 2014


  • Ultrasonic Positioning System Implementation and Dynamic 3D Visualization, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, Vol. June, 2017 , 2017
  • Chapter 2: ISAR Signal Formation and Image Reconstruction as Complex Spatial Transforms book: Digital Image Processing, Edited by Stefan G. Stanciu, Intech open access publisher, Croatia, 2012


  • ISAR image recognition algorithm and neural network implementation., Cybernetics and Information Technologies, vol. 17, Issue 4, 2017, pp. 183–19 9, DOI: , 2017
  • Ultrasonic positioning system implementation and dynamic 3D visualization., Cybernetics and Information Technologies • Volume June, No 2, 2017, pp. 151-163. , 2017
  • ISAR geometry, signal model and image processing algorithms., IET Journal - Radar, Sonar and Navigation, vol. 11, No 9, Sept. 2017, pp. 1425 – 1434. DOI: 10.1049/iet-rsn.2017.0081, 2017
  • Two-dimensional l1 norm minimization in SAR image reconstruction., Cybernetics and Information Technologies", vol. 12, No 7, 2015, pp. 77-87. doi>10.1515/cait-2015-0091, 2015
  • SAR image reconstruction algorithm based on 2-D sparse decomposition and Lo norm optimization., JGSS, Pakistan Academy of Sciences, 2015., 2015
  • Bistatic synthetic aperture radar with satellite waveform for dynamic imaging of a launched space vehicle, Journal of Radar Science and Technology, 2 Issue, 2013, 2013
  • Bistatic synthetic aperture radar with satellite waveform for dynamic lmaging of a launched space vehicle., Journal of Radar Science and Technology, 3 issue, 2013, Beijing, China, 2013, pp. 227-235, 245., 2013
  • Synthetic apertureradar for marine target imaging, , Journal of Advanced Shipping and Ocean Engineering (ASOE), Dec. 2012, vol. 1, Iss. 1, pp. 8-13, 2012
  • Barker's ISAR signal formation and image reconstruction as spatial transforms., Journal Radar Science and Technology, Beijing. China, 6 issue, 2012, pp. 565-573, 579., 2012
  • Waveforms, waves and mathematical modeling of radar signal formation process., Годишник на БСУ, XX, 2010
  • Time-variant Doppler frequency of a moving target in ISAR applications., БСУ - Годишник, том XIX, 2009
  • ISAR complementary phase code signal model and image reconstruction technique., "Електроника и Електротехника", No 1, 2, 2009, стр. 6-13., 2009
  • Дискретно изчисление на диаграмите на насоченост на компонентите на огледална антенна система., БСУ - Годишник на научните трудове, том XVIII, 2008
  • Three dimensional Barker’s ISAR signal and image reconstruction., Radar Conference, 2008. RADAR '08. IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/RADAR.2008.4721057, 2008
  • Полуактивна радиолокационна система със синтезирана апертура за набюдение и визуализация на движещи се автомобили., Годишник БСУ, Том XVII., 2007
  • Оптимизация на учебните програми по математика, физика, електротехника и радиотехническите дисциплини., БСУ - годишник, том XIV, 2004
  • Iterative minimum mean square error method and recurrent Kalman procedure for ISAR image reconstruct., Transactions on AES, IEEE, Vol. 37, No 4, (10/2000), 2001
  • Двумерен модел на адаптивно формиране на диаграмата при обратния апертурен синтез., "Електротехника и електроника", кн. 7-9, 2001, стр. 71-75. , 2001
  • Алгоритъм на томографска рекострукция на двумерни изображения при обратния апертурен синтез., "Електротехника и електроника", кн. 3-4, 2001, стр. 57-61, 2001
  • Възстановяване на изображението на обекта при обратния апертурен синтез като задача на оптималното откриване., "Електротехника и електроника", кн.1-2, 2001, стр. 41-48., 2001
  • Методът на реконструктивната изчислителна томография за обработка на траекторните сигнали., "Електротехника и електроника", кн. 5-6, 2000, стр. 27-30., 2000
  • Обратен апертурен синтез с линейно честотно-модулирани излъчващи сигнали с междупериодна некохерентност., "Електротехника и електроника", кн. 5-6, 2000, стр. 27-30, 2000
  • Обратен апертурен синтез и възстановяване на тримерно изображение на обект при праволинейно движение., "Електротехника и електроника", кн.11-12, 2000, стр. 64-73, 2000
  • Теоретични ограничения в апроксимационните обратни задачи за възст.на изображението на обекта, "Техническа мисъл" („Инженерни науки” ), БАН, 1999
  • Адаптивно формиране на диаграмата при обратния апературен синтез, "Техническа мисъл", БАН, год.XXXVI, 1999, („Инженерни науки”), БАН, 1999
  • Точност при определяне на инвариантните параметри на комплексния траекторен сигнал по метода на най-малките квадрати, "Техническа мисъл", („Инженерни науки” ), БАН, 1999
  • Корелационен алгоритъм за възстановяване на тримерно изображение на обект, "Техническа мисъл" ("Инженерни науки"), 1999
  • Обратен апертурен синтез в некохерентна радиологационна система, "Техническа мисъл" („Инженерни науки” ), 1999


  • ISAR Polar to Cartesian Interpolation, SIELA, 2018, Burgas, 1-3. 06. 2018, Scopus, 2018
  • Complex SAR signal modeling and image reconstruction, ICTRS, 2018, Barcelona, Span, 8-9 Oct. 2018,, 2018
  • Interferometric SAR modeling of geophysics measurements, International Conference, Contemporary Problems of Geography and Geology (Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of the Yerevan State University, September 27-29, 2018, Yerevan, Armenia, 2018
  • SAR/ISAR Advanced Image Reconstruction Algorithms, International Conference "Blue Economy", BFU, 01-02 June 2018., 2018
  • Passive Aperture Synthesis Using Pulsar's Emissions, International Radar Symposium (IRS), Bonn, Germany, 20-22 June 2018, 2018
  • Kalman Tracking Filter in 3-D space, International Radar Symposium (IRS - 2017), Prague, 28-30.06.2017, 2017
  • Multifunctional Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar: Main Processing Algorithms, BFU - International Conference, 2016, 2016
  • Multi-satellite interferometric SAR system, ICTRS 2016, Milan, Italy, 2016
  • Two-dimensional L1 norm minimization in SAR Image Reconstruction., Workshop IICT - BAS, София, Септ. 2015, 2015
  • L0 norm otimization in SAR image reconstruction based on sparse decomposition, Научна конференция с международно участие, БСУ 12-14 Юни 2015, 2015
  • GISAR image reconstruction based 2-D smoothed l0 norm minimization in sparse decomposition, Radar Symposium (IRS), 2015 16th International , Dresden, Germany, pp. 416 - 421., 2015
  • Direct signal's impact on BISAR signal formation and image reconstruction, International Radar Symposium (IRS), 2015 Dresden, Germany, 2015, pp. 1106 - 1111, 2015
  • SAR triangle CW LFM signal formation and imaging, SIELA 2014, 29-31 May 2014, Burgas, Bulgaria, pp. 68-71, 2014
  • DVB-T bistatic forward scattering inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging, International Radar Symposium, 16-18 June 2014, Warsaw, Poland, pp. 298-301, 2014
  • Bistatic SAR systems with GPS and DVB-S Astra transmitters of opportunity, International Symposium on Radio Systems and Spase Plasma, 30-31 Oct. 2014, Ruse, Bulgaria, 2014
  • Experimental study of target FSR shadow detection using GPS signal, ISRSSP, Sofia, 2013, 2013
  • BSAR GeometryRange resolution and sugnal modeling, ISRSSP, Sofia, 2013, , 2013
  • Bistatic SAR system with GPS transmitter, Radar 2013, Ottawa, Canada, 28 April-3 May 2013, pp.3-8., 2013
  • Bistatic forward scattering inverse synthetic aperture radar parameter estimation and imaging, IRS 2013 Dresden 18-21 June 2013, 2013
  • BFISAR signal modelling and image reconstruction, Radar 2012, Glasgow GB, in CD, 2012
  • Landslides in north-eastern Armenia investigated by radar interferometry and GIS modeling, International Jubilee Conference - UACEG, 2012, 2012
  • Fourier transform in complex SAR image reconstruction and interferomeric generation, SIELA 2012, ISSN 1314-6297, 2012, 2012
  • Bistatic SAR SLC Image modeling and Interferometric Generation, ICTRS 2012, pp 80-83, 2012, ISBN 978-989-8565-28-0, 2012
  • BSAR signal modeling and SLC image reconstruction, ICTRS 2012, pp 65-71, 2012, ISBN 978-989-8565-28-0, 2012
  • Short Time Pulse Bistatic Forward Scattering Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging, IRS'12, Warsaw, pp 426-429, Poland, ISBN 978-1- 4577-1835-9, IEEE Cat Num: CFP12RAS- PRT , 2012
  • Bistatic SAR Technology-topologies and applications, 2012, pp 3-13, 2012, ISBN 978-989-8565-28-0, 2012
  • UWB BFISA Radar Imaging, IRS, 2011
  • ISAR autofocusing image reconstruction of sea target, RAST, Istanbul, Tr, 2011
  • Bistatic Generalized ISAR concept with GPS waveform, IRS, 2011
  • SAR signal modeling and imaging of a moving target, RADAR 2011, 2011
  • ISAR signal formation and image extraction as direct and inverse projective operation, БСУ, 2011
  • Synthesis of Interferogram Based on DEM of Dilijan in Caucasus region, Armenia, ESIAT 2011, China, 2011
  • InSAR Study of Landslides in the region of lake Sevan, Armenia, Fringe, Italy, 2011
  • SAR differencial interferogram modeling, БСУ, 2011
  • Digital elevation models of territories under risk in Caucasus region-Armenia, БСУ, 2011
  • Landslide phenomena in Sevan National Park -Armenia, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bergen, Norway, 28 June-2 July 2010, 2010
  • LFM ISAR Signal Model and Image Reconstruction, SET-160 Symposium, NCTI/ATR, Athens, Geece, 11-12 Oct. 2010., 2010
  • SAR and ISAR Signal Modeling and Image Reconstruction , ISRSSP, Sofia, 25-27 Aug. 2010, U.R.S.I., 2010
  • 3-D Linear Kalman Filter Tracking Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UVW-2010, 10-12. June, 2010, Istanbul, pp 63 -68, 2010
  • SAR Mapping Equations and Coordinate Transformations, International Conference - SIELA, Bulgaria, June, 2009, 2009
  • Космически технологии за превенция и наблюдение на природни бедствия, БСУ, ЦИУН, Научна конф. 2009, 2009
  • SAR Ship Target Imaging by Induced Complementary Movement, International Conference RAST -2009, Istanbul, Turkey, 2009
  • Comparison analysis of ESA sofware products and their functionality for interferometric processing, International Conference - Bulgaria, Burgas, June, 2009, 2009
  • Моделиране на процеса на формиране на InSAR сигнал, Икономика на знанието, Научна конференция с международно уастие, БСУ, 13-14 Юни, 2008 г, 2008
  • "ISAR Imaging Based on Two-Dimensional GTD Scattering Model", ", EuMW 2008, Amsterdam, Nederland, EuMW, Oct. 2008, 2008
  • Interferometric SAR technology for Earth phenomena observation, Economics in the Knowledge Conference, BFU, 13-14, June, 2008, 2008
  • Three dimensional Barker s ISAR signal and image reconstruction, IEEE Conference RADAR 2008 24-28 May 2008 Rome Italy, 2008
  • Програмно осигуряване на изчисление на параметрите на ISAR геометрично-кинематичния сценарий., Съвременни технологии 07, ЦИТН, БСУ, 2007
  • High - Resolution SF ISAR Imaging Using Time -Frequency Transforms, RTA (NATO) SET 112, Paree, Fr. 08-12-Oct. 2007, 2007
  • High-Resolution Stepped Frequency Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging Using Time-Frequency Transforms, CEMA-07, Tech. University, Sofia, 2007
  • SAR signal model of a moving target, Съвременни технологии 07, ЦИТН, БСУ, 2007
  • 2-D ISAR Signal Modeling and Imaging for Stepped Frequency Modulation , 67th meeting of SET 112 / RFT/ TG63 on AARRSNCECI, Athens, Greece, 26-28/6/2007, 2007
  • SAR imaging of moving target , RAST 2007, Istanbul, 2007, 2007
  • ISAR Geometry of the Ship Target Imaging, БСУ, Научна конф., Юни, 2006, 2006
  • ISAR Signal Modeling and Image Reconstruction with Entropy Minimization Autofocussing, , 25thDASC, Portland, Oregon, Okt. 2006., 2006
  • Stepped Frequency ISAR Signal Modeling and Image Reconstruction, ЦИТН, БСУ, Научна конф., Април, 2006, 2006
  • "Cluster Micro-satellite InSAR Model", Smal Satellite Workshop - New Mission, New Technology, SSW 2008, Istanbul 04-07. 06. 2008, 2005
  • ISAR IMAGING OF THE SHIP TARGET AT SEA, 24 DASC, Washington, USA, 30.10 -03 11. 2005, 2005
  • About one Algorithm for Keeping Connectivity into a Distributed Data System, 24 DASC, Washington, USA, 30.10-3.11.2005, 2005
  • ISAR Technique for Stealth Target Detection and Identification by Stepped Frequency Signal, RAST 2005, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005
  • Three-Dimensional ISAR Image Reconstruction Technique with Multiple Receivers, RAST 2005, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005
  • Spatial Correlation SAR System with Complementary Signals, RAST 2005, Istanbul, Turkey, 2005
  • A.D. Lazarov, Hr. Kabakchiev, T. Kostadinov, D. Minchev. "GISAR Image Reconstruction Based 2-D Smoothed l0 Norm Minimization in Sparse Decomposition", In Proceedings of IRS 2015, 24-27 June 2015, 2005
  • A.D. Lazarov, Hr. Kabakchiev, T. Kostadinov. Direct Signal's Impact on BISAR Signal Formation and Image Reconstruction., In Proceedings of IRS 2015, 24-27 June 2015, 2005
  • Оптимизация на учебните програми по математика, физика, електротехника, БСУ, Годишник на БСУ, Бургас, 2004., 2004
  • Antistealth ISAR Technology for Target Detection and Identification by Linear Fr, NASA Glenn Integrated CNS Conference and Work, 2004
  • Barcer Code ISAR Technique for Stealth Target Detection and Identification, 23 DASC, Hilton Salt Lake City Center Salt Lake Ci, 2004
  • ISAR Technique for Stealth Target Detection and Image Reconstruction, European Radar Conference 2004, Amsterdam, Holland, 2004
  • ISAR Technique with Complementary Phase Code Modulated Signals, PLANS 2004 Monterey, CA on April 26 to April, 2004
  • Three Dimensional Image Reconstruction Procedure over Barcer's Code Modulated IS, 2003 IEEE Radar Conf., Huntsville, Al, USA, 5-8 Ma, 2003
  • Algorithm for automatic determination of ISAR parameters, 22 nd DASC Indianapolis, USA, 12-16 Oct. 2003.Vol., 2003
  • Automatic Control System for Inverse Synthetic Aperture Radars, ICNS Conference & Workshop, NASA, Annapolis, MD, U, 2003
  • Algorithm for ISAR Target Recognition and Neural Network Architecture Implementa, ISPC, Dallas, USA, May, 2003, 2003
  • Recurrent Kalman procedure for ISAR image reconstruction from Barcer's phase cod, Journal of Bulgarian Academy of Science, Sofia, Fe, 2003
  • ISAR Image reconstruction Kalman Approach to Linear Frequency Modulated Signals, NASA Glenn Integrated CNS Conference and Work, 2002
  • ISAR image reconstruction and autofocusing procedure over Barcer's phase code mo, RADAR 2002, Edinburgh International Conference Cen, 2002
  • Correlation-autofocusing-spectral 2-D ISAR Image Reconstruction from Linear Freq, 21st DASC, Irvine, California, 15-18 October 2002., 2002
  • Three-Dimensional ISAR signal model and spectral image reconstruction procedure, IV th International Armament Conference, Poland, W, 2002
  • Autofocusing image reconstruction from Barcer's phase code modulated ISAR signal, 21st Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), I, 2002
  • Iterative MMSE method for ISAR image reconstruction, 9 th St Petersburg international INS St. Petersbur, 2002
  • Autofocusing-spectral 2-D ISAR image reconstruction from linear frequency modula, Position Location & Navigation (PLANS), Palm Sprin, 2002
  • Spectral 2-D ISAR image reconstruction in ISAR with linear frequency modulation, 20th Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Dayton B, 2001
  • Inverse Synthetic aperture Radar Image Reconstruction Methods, BSUAE Second Symposium, Xanty, Greece, 27-29, June, 2001
  • Stochastic Model of Complex ISAR Signals and Spatial Correlation Image Reconstru, BSUAE Second Symposium, Xanty, Greece, 27-29, June, 2001
  • Minimum mean square error estimates of invariant parameters in the quadrate of I, 2001 CIE International Conference on Radar, Beijin, 2001
  • Correlation-spectral 2-D image ISAR reconstruction from linear frequency modulat, 3-rd IEEE - Russia Conf. 2001, Novosibirsk, Russia, 2001
  • Inverse Aperture Synthesis with Phase-Code Modulated Signals, Military Technical Academy, Bucharest, Rumania, No, 2001
  • Filtering Methods for ISAR Image Processing, BSUAE Second Symposium, Xanty, Greece, 27-29, June, 2001


  • Разработване на лекционен курс "Основи на автоматизацията", 2015
  • Актуализиране на лекционен курс ЕЕМИ (Експертизи на електромагнитни излъчвания), 2015
  • Актуални проблеми на софтуерните технологии, 2012
  • Операционни системи, 2012
  • Мобилни комуникации в бизнеса PP- тематични презентации,, 2011
  • Задачи и решени примери по Дискретна математика, 2008
  • Турбо кодове - лекция по "Кодиране и защита на информацията", 2007
  • Минимизация на крайни автомати - лекция по "Дискретна математика", 2007
  • Конвулюционни кодове - лекция по "Кодиране и защита на информацията", 2007
  • Цифрова и обработка и програмно осигуряване в комуникациите, 2005
  • Разработване на лекционен курс "Основи на автоматизацията", 2005
  • Кодиране и защита на информацията, 2004
  • Дискретна математика, 2004
  • Мобилни комуникации и програмно осигуряване, 2004
  • Радиовълни антеннофидерни устройства и микровълнова техника, 2003
  • Комуникационни вериги, 2003
  • Дискретни структури, 2003


Scientific Research Projects
  • ISAR наблюдение и изобразяване на астероиди: алгоритми и числено моделиране, Научно-изследователски, БСУ
  • "Откриване и класификация на обекти в градски условия от техните радиосенки от GPS сигнали", , Научно-изследователски, Софийски университет, УниБИТ, София
  • "Откриване на обекти от техните радио-сенки от GPS сигнали", Национален проект, МОН
  • "Програмно-техническа система за визуализация на обекти, релеф и релефни деформации", Научноизследователски проект, БСУ- Бургас
  • Откриване, оценка на параметрите на слаби GPS сигнали: ДТК 02-28/2009 , НИД, Софийски Университет
  • Защита на морски граници: No.ДДВУ02/50/20.12.2010 г, НИД, Софийски Университет- ФНИ
  • Обработка на комплексни изображения на ASAR-Envisat за превенция и оценка на последствията на природни бедствия, Научно изследователски проект, БСУ
  • InSAR Modeling and monitoring of Geological Disaster Phenomena in Caucasus Region - Armenia, Участие в разработка на външни проекти, NATO-CLG 983876
  • GPS системи за откриване на цели, Участие в разработка на външни проекти, BG 051PO001-3.3.04/13
  • Oбработка на изображения от ASAR-ENVISAT за превенция на природни бедствия, научно-изследователски, БСУ
  • "Методи и алгоритми за получаване на радиолокационни изображения на стационарни и движещи се обекти със сложна геометрия", , Бургас, БСУ
  • "ISAR и SAR технологии за възстановяване образи на обекти със сложна геометрия с прилагането на сигнали с висока разделителна способност", научно-изследователски, БСУ
  • Environmental Security (modeling and measuring geophysical quantities: surface deformation by earthquake, landslides, subsidence, flooding and industrial activities) with implications for economic, cultural and political Instability, научно-изследователски, NATO
  • Единна база данни за студентите в БСУ,модул към "Акаденичната информационна сист, , БСУ
  • Информационна ком. с-ма за управление чрез електр. мрежа., научно-изследователски проект, МОН - София
  • Методи и алгоритми за обработка на ISAR сигнали, , БСУ
  • Автоматизирана система за регулиране движението по националната пътна мрежа, , БСУ
  • Откриване на сигнали преотразени от подвижни цели на фона на смущения", , Дог.ТН-1305/2003НС НИМОН-БАН
  • Процесори за стабилизация на CFAR, , ДоговорИ902/99НФ НИ МОН- БАН
  • CFAR aлгоритми за откриване на сигнали, , ИИТ-010044, в ИИТ- БАН,


  • Lei LiuMing-shuo QiFeng Zhou. . A Novel Non-Uniform Rotational Motion Estimation and Compensation Method for Maneuvering Targets ISAR Imaging Utilizing Particle Swarm Optimization, DOI10.1109/JSEN.2017.2766670 , 2018
  • X. Shi. Deception jamming method based on micro-Doppler effect for vehicle target, 2016
  • W. Fu, D Jiang, Y Su, R Qian, Y Gao. Implementation of wideband digital transmitting beamformer based on LFM waveforms, 2016
  • S Shi, J Liu, T Li, W Tian . Basic performance of space-surface bistatic SAR using BeiDou satellites as transmitters of opportunity, 2016
  • Haijiang Wang , Ling Yang. Application of vector analysis on study of illuminated area and Doppler characteristics of airborne pulse radar, 2015
  • Xiang, Tianshun; Li, Yong ; Liu, Li ; Duan, Huajun. The radial velocity estimation based on digital spotlight technique. , 2015
  • Rao Wei. Comparison of parametric sparse recovery method for ISAR image formation, Information sciences, China 2015, 2015
  • Xiang, Tianshun, Li, Yong ; Liu, Li ; Duan, Huajun. The radial velocity estimation based on digital spotlight technique, Synthetic Aperture Radar (APSAR), 2015 IEEE 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on, Singapore, Singapore, 1-4 Sept. 2015, pp. 760 - 763, 2015
  • Tan, Qinling Jeanette Olivia Monterey. Passive coherent detection and target location with multiple non-cooperative transmitters, 2015
  • Abdelmalek Toumi, Ali Khenchaf. Corrеlation optique pour l'identification de cibles radar, 12 eme atelier sur la Fouille de Donnеes Complexes (FDC), 2015
  • T. Xiang.. The radial velocity estimation based on digital spotlight technique, 2015
  • QJO Tan, . Passive coherent detection and target location with multiple non-cooperative transmitters, 2015
  • Victor C. Chen, Marko Martorela. "Inverse synthetic aperture rasar imagin: principles, algorithms and applications", 2014
  • Chufeng Hu, Zhou Zhou, Nanjing Li, Kun Zhang. "Multi-dimensional scattering properties diagnosis system of scale aircraft model in an anechoic chamber", 2014
  • Wei Rao. G. Li. . Parametric sparse representation method for ISAR imaging of rotating targets, 2014
  • Zhen Liu, Peng You, Xizhang Wei, Xiang Li. Dynamic ISAR Imaging of Maneuvering Targets Based on Sequential SL0, 2013
  • Z. Liu, G. Liao, Z. Yang. Iterative range alignment method with optimised weighted fitting for an inverse synthetic aperture radar, 2012
  • Liu Zhen . Dynamic ISAR Imaging of Maneuvering Targets Based on Sequential SL0, 2012
  • K. Puntsri, D. Sandel, Saleh Ibrahim Saied Saleh Hussin, Owais Qadir Jan, A. Al-Bermani, M.F. Panhwar. A low complexity and high accuracy frame synchronization for optical OFDM and PolMux-optical OFDM, 2012
  • Sahin Ozsoy A. Arif Ergin. Pencil back-projection method for SAR imaging, 2009
  • Arend G. Westra. Radar versus Stealth Passive Radar and the Future of U.S. Military Power, 2009
  • S.-H. Park, H.-T. Kim, and K.-T. Kim. Stepped-frequency ISAR motion compensation using particle swarm optimization with an island model, 2008
  • Богданов Росен Ат., Б.Й. Беджев, А.П. Милев. Алгоритъм за обработка на сигналите в радар със синтезирана апертура, използващ числово преобразувание на Мерсен, 2006
  • L Zhang, H Wang, Z Qiao.. Resolution enhancement for ISAR imaging via improved statistical compressive sensing, 2005
  • Wei Rao, Gang Li, XiQin Wang. Comparison of parametric sparse recovery methods for ISAR image formation,, 2005
  • Wei Rao, Gang Li, Xiqin Wang, Xiang-Gen Xia . Parametric Sparse Representation Method for ISAR Imaging of Rotating Targets, 2005
  • Robert M Kapfer, Mark E Davis. Ground moving target identification using UHF UWB frequency jump burst ISAR, 2005
  • B. Bedjev. "Opportunities of Applying Generalized Complementary Signals in Synthetic Aperture Radars", EuRAD 04, 2004
  • B. Bedjev. "Generalized Orthogonal Complementary Codes for CDMS Wireless, EuMWC-04, Amsterdam, 2004 , 2004
  • B. Bedjev. "Possibilities for applying phase-manipulated complementary signals in spacecraft-based radars", Aerospace Research in Bulgaria, vol. 18, 2004, BAS, Space Research Institute, pp. 155-172, 2004
  • Garvanov, I. and Chr. Kabakchi. Sensitivity of API CFAR Detectors Towards Change of Input Parameters of Pulse Jamming, Proc. of the International Radar Symposium - IRS 2004, Warszawa, Poland, pp. 233-238, 2004. 2.Garvanov, I. and Chr. Kabakchie, 2004
  • И. Гарванов. "Методи и алгоритми за поддържане на постоянна честота на лъжлива тревога в условията на хаотично импулсни смущения", Дисертация, ИИТ-БАН, София, 2003 г., 2003
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