- About
- Statute, Mission, Academic Profile
- Accreditations and Certificates
- University Management
- Board of Trustees
- Organisational Structure
- Department of Qualification
- UNESCO Chair on Culture of Peace and Human Rights
- Technology Transfer Office
- Black Sea Multidisciplinary Innovation Laboratory Towards Social Challenges
- Laboratory for Psychological and Pedagogical Research
- Laboratory for Psychological Support and Development
- Law Clinic
- Living Lab on Maritime Law and Coastal Territories
- CISCO Academy
- Robotics and Programming Academy
- Foreign Languages Department
- Centre for Distance Education
- University Regulations
- Facilities
- Quality Management
- Doctor Honoris Causa
- Honorary Book
- University Library
- Faculty
- Admission
- Students
- Research
- Projects
- Publications
- Events
- E-Library
- Call for applications under the Law on the Development of Academic Staff
- Announcements
- International Relations
- Contacts
- Курсове и продължаващо обучение
- Master Programmes
- Deadlines
- Applications and admissions
- Tuition fees
- Faculty of Legal Studies
- Faculty of Business Studies
- Finance
- Accounting
- Marketing
- Marketing and Management of Tourism Business
- Business Administration (Management)
- Forensic Economic Expertise
- International Economic Relations
- Human Resource Management and Organisational Psychology
- Health Management
- Real Estate Business
- Regional Management
- International Business and Management (in English)
- Circular Economy
- Leadership and Entrepreneurial Skills
- Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
- Software Engineering
- Applied programming
- Information Security
- Artificial Intelligence
- Data analysis
- Business Information Technologies
- Integrated Computer Systems and Clusters
- Engineering and Exploitation of Energy Systems
- Forensic Engineering, Technical Expertise and Safety Management
- Fire Safety and Fire Protection Equipment
- Design and Controlling of Air and Sea Drones
- Electrification and communication of renewable energy sources
- Faculty of Humanities
- PhD Programmes
- Bachelor Programmes
- Distance Learning