Publishing Ethics Code

The present Publishing Ethics Code is designed to support the editors of Journal CONTEMPORARY HUMANITARISTICS, issued by the Faculty of Humanities of Burgas Free University in handling publishing ethics issues, as well as to guide the relationships between authors and editors in order to guarantee the legitimacy and quality of publications and to be of interest to the users, the scientific community, the development of science and distribution of knowledge. This Code should also be reviewed as part of the general ethics rules valid for the scientific and professional fields and as an addition to the laws and procedures in force. The Code relies exclusively on the mechanisms of personal ethics and professional conscience of the scientists, their integrity and correctness.

The ethics in the preparation and publication of the results of scientific research is based on the principles and values which determine what is acceptable in the scientists work. In addition to the existing legal acts and rules in Bulgaria we also try to comply with the internationally recognized ethical codes and standards applicable in specific areas of research. The leading rule is that the ethics in science disallows the deliberate distortion of truth and requires constant innovative activity of the scientists.

The scientific publications are the end of research and a way of recognition of the results achieved by the scientific community locally and in an international context. They allow sharing and publicity of research.

Respecting the freedom of scientific thought, we do not accept texts affirming ideas contradicting to the generally accepted ethical and humanitarian values.

As a manifestation of professionalism we accept compliance to the rules of scientific discourse and the genre requirements, suggesting that the texts of publications contain motivation, analytical and conclusion part, as well as own contribution.

It is unacceptable for the authors of publications to hide the truth, as well as to present unverified and unsupported statements. The researchers publishing scientific results have the overall responsibility for their reasonableness, authenticity and originality.

Plagiarism in all its forms (misuse of name, copying or rephrasing) is unacceptable. The authors have to quote the publications used in the manuscript and obey the citation rules.

We accept the three main ways of scientific acknowledgement – preparation of a conscientious list of the quoted authors, reliable citation according to the rules, expression of gratitude to other authors for their help, ideas or other contribution.

It is necessary to comply with the requirements and responsibilities in co-authoring, respecting the seniority and grades, as well as the merits of the authors.

It is unacceptable to have casual participants in the research, interference in the experiments, conflicts of interests between the authors of the publication.

It is necessary to point the sources and methods used by the authors in acquiring and analysis of data. If the methods for data analysis are not widespread, they have to be described and the sources should be cited. Data counterfeiting is not allowed, as well as choice of inadequate methods for analysis.

If the reviewer has doubts in the integrity of the author, he has to report this to the editor confidentially and in writing.
All submitted manuscripts go under a procedure of reviewing that is preliminary published and is in compliance with the scientific and publishing standards of the journal.

The editors attract independent experts for the purposes of reviewing and evaluation of the submitted manuscripts and they have to send their reviews in writing. The reviewers are obliged to present their accurate and justified reviews in two months term in a polite form and without embarrassing qualifications.

The editors take decisions for acceptance or denial of publications on the basis of their significance, originality, clear statements and compliance of the research topics with the main directions of the journal. The author has the opportunity to submit claims.

If there are mistakes in the published article, the editor points them in the next edition with clarifications.

We refer to the principle of fair practices of scientific publications. The hidden truth can be deliberate, due to ignorance or negligence. Therefore for each separate case we conduct a research and take the necessary measures if dishonest practice is proved.

In the Journal are not accepted articles published in other journals or issues.

Republishing of an article in a different language is allowed only if the first publication is reported to the editors of the other journal.

The Publishing Ethics Code is approved at a meeting of the Editorial Committee of Journal Contemporary Humanitaristics.

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