Note to the authors

Authors who wish to publish their scientific work on the pages of the Contemporary Humanitaristics journal can apply throughout the year through the e-mail of the International Editorial Board:


1. The deadlines for accepting publications are as follows:

for the first issue of the journal – until May 30th;
for the second issue of the journal – until August 30th.


2. Reviewing
All submitted texts are reviewed in advance, ensuring that the journal's scientific and publishing standards are respected. Texts that do not meet the criteria are not allowed to be reviewed and are returned to the author.
Independent anonymous reviewers evaluate the developments and prepare a review according to certain criteria.
Authors receive their reviews within a month of the official submission of the publications to the editorial office of the journal.

  • Acceptance for publication – upon review with a similar recommendation, the article is published in a future issue of the journal;
  • Acceptance for publication with a requirement to make changes and corrections – the article is generally accepted for publication, but the author must take into account the reviewer's comments and make the recommended changes within a month.
  • Rejection with possibility of future revision – the article is rejected at this stage due to non-compliance with the journal's scientific criteria, but given the interesting issues and content it may be presented in the future after major revision;
  • Flatly reject – the article cannot be accepted for publication in the journal.


3. Layout requirements for scientific publications
The requirements for the preparation of the publications are in accordance with the BDS standard ISO 690-2021 (Harvard system). Thus, the articles of the journal can be presented to the maximum extent in world-renowned databases with scientific information.


Manuscripts are prepared according to standard A4, Times New Roman, 11 point, normal, line spacing 1.0. Maximum volume - 10 pages (up to 30,000 characters including pauses between characters).



Manuscript structure

  • Title in Bulgarian and English - informative and without abbreviations;
  • Name and surname of the author(s) in Bulgarian and English;
  • Represented institution in Bulgarian and English;
  • Summary in Bulgarian and English - a summary of the article in Bulgarian and English up to 100 words /about 10 lines/ is required;
  • Keywords in Bulgarian and English - choice of 5 - 8 keywords;
  • Main text which includes introduction, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion, references.


4. Tables, charts and graphs
They are also required as separate files. Their positioning in the text should be clearly indicated.


5. Method of citation

  • The bibliography contains only literary sources that are cited and indicated in the main text and that are available for verification.
  • All other sources and information are listed in the Notes section.
  • Self-citations do not add to the scholarly contribution of the manuscript or the author.


The presentation of the cited titles in the list of literature is in accordance with BDS ISO 690:2021 (Harvard system).

The examples below show how this should be done.


Citing an article in a journal

Name of author, year of publication, title of article, name of journal (italics), annual volume, issue number, page numbers (separated by a long hyphen) are given sequentially. In case of transliteration - finally, in square brackets, indicate the language in which the quoted source was published [in Bulgarian], [in Russsian], etc.

For example:
ALEKSIEVA, M., 2023. The concept of STEM education - an opportunity to form and develop skills and competencies and ensure interdisciplinarity in primary school education. Modern Humanities, Vol.19, №1, p. 6 – 36. ISSN 1313-9924.

This title is cited in the text as follows:
(Aleksieva 2023), and if it is necessary to indicate a page - (Aleksieva 2023, p. 8).


If citing an article in an online periodical, the source of the text (accessible web address or DOI number) should be placed at the end of the cited source.

For example:
HRISTOVA, H., 2023. Image roles of PR texts in the own media of corporate brands.  Media and Language. Electronic Journal of Media Language Research [online]. vol.13. ISSN 2535-0587. Available from: <>.   [Viewed 2023-9-11].


In case of citation of two or more publications by one author within the same year, letter indices are added to the year of publication, for example (Ignatov 2008 a, p. 56) and (Ignatov 2008 b, p. 17).


Citing an article in a book

The book title is marked in italics. It is also necessary to indicate the city of publication and the name of the publisher. If there is, the ISBN of the book is indicated. In the case of transliteration - finally, in square brackets, the language in which the cited source was originally published is indicated - [in Bulgarian], [in Russian], etc.

For example:
Vasilev, G., 2022. Pedagogical artistry: aspects. Veliko Tarnovo: Faber. ISBN 978-619-00-1559-8.

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