Master's Program "Innovation and entrepreneurship in primary and preschool education"
Faculty: Center for Humanities
Educational Qualification: Master's Degree
Professional Qualification: Preschool Teacher, Primary School Teacher (with a specialization in Entrepreneurship)
Form of Study: part-time
Programme Profile:
The training in the educational program focuses both on entrepreneurial approaches to acquiring new knowledge and on inclusive pedagogy. Through entrepreneurial elements such as identifying and creating opportunities, experimenting, reflecting, and knowledge management, each student can acquire various levels of knowledge, skills, and attitudes by utilizing their strengths and individual needs.
The overall goal is to develop enterprising, creatively minded, and flexible teachers for preschool and primary school settings, who use a variety of innovative pedagogical methods to build entrepreneurial competence. This includes competence-based and talent-based learning, professional practice, teamwork on projects, and a sense of vision and mission.
For graduates of a bachelor's degree in a professional field 1.2. Pedagogy (specially "Preschool and primary school pedagogy") training is 3 semesters, one of which - for the development and defense of a diploma thesis.
For graduates of a bachelor's degree in a professional field 1.2. Pedagogy (in the specialties "Preschool pedagogy", "Primary school pedagogy", "Special pedagogy", "Social pedagogy, etc.) the training includes a preparatory module of disciplines, which is tailored to their preliminary training and lasts up to two semesters.
Candidates who have completed majors from other professional fields are trained for 5 semesters, one of which is for the development and defense of a thesis.
Admission to the Master's program "Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Primary and Preschool Education" is based on document review – a diploma of completed higher education at the bachelor's or master's level.