Journal BUSINESS DIRECTIONS (Journal Biznes Posoki)
The Journal BUSINESS DIRECTIONS (Journal Biznes Posoki) is included in the list of contemporary Bulgarian scientific editions, included and indexed in world known research databases. It is also presented in popular databases.
Journal CONTEMPORARY HUMANITARISTICS (Journal Suvremenna Humanitaristika)
The mission of Journal CONTEMPORARY HUMANITARISTICS is to be a forum for discussions and debates on topics that are important for the field of humanities; to reflect scientific demands, ideas and achievements of the academics from Burgas Free University; to report on the research events at the Faculty of Humanities of BFU; to serve as a tool for finding and developing of future scientific talents.
The Electronic Journal COMPUTER SCIENCE AND COMMUNICATIONS of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering at Burgas Free University is a scientific journal with publications in the field of information and communication technology. The journal is included in the VINITI RAN Database (The All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and it is also included in the recommended reference database of the National Centre for Information and Documentation (NACID).
Journal of Legal Studies
The Mission of the JOURNAL OF LEGAL STUDIES is to be a forum for discussions on current topics both from the legal theory and practice, where original ideas and profound scientific research can be presented. The journal is designed not only to introduce the work and achievements of the academics at Burgas Free University to the legal community, but it is also open for the publication of significant research papers by scientists from other universities and practicing lawyers, which makes it an edition of national importance.
Burgas Free University Annual
BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY ANNUAL is an edition which publishes papers by lecturers and PhD students of the University. By the decision of the Editorial Board research papers by scientists from the country and abroad can also be included in the issue. BURGAS FREE UNIVERSITY ANNUAL includes publications connected with all the scientific fields of research within the structure of the University. The publications comprise scientific announcements, articles and, in certain cases, research studies.
Student Research Conference Proceedings
other universities. The volume is published every year after the traditional annual National Student Research Conference. The Proceedings include papers presented by students-finalists selected at the national level.
Conference Proceedings
The Conference Proceedings are collections of papers presented by lecturers and PhD students at conferences organised by Burgas Free University. The Proceedings are published prior to/after the conference in accordance with the Information for participants and the requirements for the conference.
The e-library is a specialized portal with free access to a full-text database with research publications of the lecturers at Burgas Free University. The portal provides opportunities for searching by author, title, topic or issue.